Procedures for Open Burning in
Canton Township
Using the State and Federal EPA rulings and in following their guidelines, the following procedures have been decided upon for Canton Township residents to follow for open burning.
A maximum of three foot by three foot (3 X 3) recreational fire, no more than 2 feet in height.
Use clean wood only (no yard waste or household waste).
The burn is to be in a clear area, both around and above, by a minimum of twenty (25) feet.
A garden hose or other means of extinguishment is to be at the burn location to be utilized in the case the open burn gets out of control.
The fire is to be attended by an adult at all times.
You must register the open burn just prior to the start of the fire with the fire department dispatch at (330) 456-6222 and again once the fire is extinguished.
If during the course of the fire we receive a complaint from a neighbor or passerby, we will respond to confirm that it is a controlled burn and meets the above guidelines. If we find all to be in order then we will simply leave. If we find the fire is not in compliance with the guidelines, then the fire will be extinguished and a warning will be issued. A second non-compliance complaint will require the Canton Township Fire Department to notify EPA, which may result in severe penalties.
Any and all variances from this procedure shall require written permission from the Canton Township Fire Department and or the Ohio EPA, by contacting the Fire Prevention Bureau at (330) 484-6165.
The Canton Township Fire Department, as well as your neighbors, greatly appreciate your cooperation concerning open burning in our community.